Saturday, 29 June 2013

General Health review-Insulin for Vitamin D

Vitamin D may even produce insulin - especially for children who have little of this vitamin, there is a type I diabetes up to 200x more often.

Women, who work night shifts, often suffer from a lack of vitamin D (due to lack of daylight).
There are only 3 food sources of vitamin D: fish-liver oil, oily fish and dairy products fortified with vitamin D (which is added to milk products for the prevention of rickets, but the regular cheeses and yogurts are enriched rarely).click here oraganic diet plan

 Vitamin D and immunity
Are you often sick and tired? Every month you have at least a cold or even the flu?
It is possible that you are suffering from a lack of vitamin D. Long, experts and lay people think that the only role of vitamin D to help calcium to be able to properly absorb.

"What a surprise, it plays an important role in the immune system," says immunologist, Professor Anna Grey. "Immune cells, mainly lymphocytes, but also other cells have receptors for vitamin D and vitamin D responsive action.more information visit Heath Product Review
It turns out, however, that the explanation of its action in the immune system is not so simple.
In some sources you can find examples of how to activate immune cells in defense against infection, such as influenza, and there are other very credible work that found its inhibiting effects a significant role in the prevention of autoimmune disease.
Finally, there is some consensus that vitamin D plays an important role in the immune response that is in their control, "explains the doctor.

General Health review-UV radiation

One more interesting Fact - the more skin pigment has, the slower and more complicated vitamin D creates. "Vitamin D but not UV radiation, UV radiation only contributes to its transformation into the skin," says dermatologist Carolina Kokkali.
Also refutes the myth that our skin vitamin D needed. "The skin itself does not need it, is such a metabolic intermediate station," he says.feel free to open this oraganic diet plan

 Simply put - the skin is the site of conversion of precursors (less active predecessors, D2 and D3) in the active vitamin D, which is the "finalized by" the liver and kidneys.
 Missed your supplies in the summer refuel and think that you go somewhere in Africa? I'd rather wait for the spring sun and then eat more fish or enjoy some quality milk product.
What can vitamin D?learn amore about Vitamin  D Heathly product review 

 If you are overweight or even obese you are, then circulates in your body much less of this vitamin. However, if you are trying to lose weight, the increased income "deck" will help.
Fish store excess vitamin D in the liver, so it is the best source of vitamin D from cod liver oil and fish oil (the older generation can still definitely remember the regular dose of fish oil in the nursery before lunch).
The best ever as salmon, mackerel or tuna
Breastfed babies are at risk of vitamin D, which is in contrast to cow's milk or infant in breast milk is not much, so get newborns droplets containing vitamin D.

When you delete a sunscreen with a factor of 30, reduces the penetration of UV rays by up to 95-98%.

General Health review-Vitamins D and dermatology

According to dermatologist Carolina Kakapo this advice applies to persons belonging to prototype II, a quarter of the body surface in normal middle European climate, with prototypes III rather just 3-8 minutes.
"Do not forget the normal acceleration of UV exposure during their stay in the mountains or by the sea. if you want more abou detmatology visit oraganic diet plan

  Renowned experts from dermatologists and internists clearly prefer natural and safe sun exposure to obtain sufficient levels of vitamin D in the body, “adds dermatologist.
So if you go for just a ten minute walk to the store, increased face and hands certainly not endanger your health. Maybe you get on your face a few freckles, but believe me, otherwise you will feel as if you are born again.
Our ancestors, who spent most of their time outdoors, vitamin D suffer - and also walked a swimsuit.

 And why is this vitamin when they were still on the field? The only reason why the body of our ancestors accumulation at toxic levels, is that the sun vitamin D not only creates, but also decomposes, thereby maintaining a healthy balance.learn about vitamin D Health product review
Fish oil is an excellent source of vitamin D
After thus erasing the sunscreen, especially with higher factors to most of us will not penetrate through the skin is not so much sunshine, so as to create a minimum amount of vitamin D needed to maintain health.
Why do you have to stoke himself "deck" in food supplements, so you will need to supply your body differently. And if you are a woman, then this is the level of vitamin D is even worse. The fact women are older; their skin produces less vitamin D (up to a quarter) than in youth.

General Health review-Vitamin D

For safe dose is considered for long-term administration of 25 micrograms for infants and 50 mg for children.

A substantial amount of vitamin D you can create the human body from the vitamin, which is produced in the skin by sunlight. The problem occurs in winter or when there is insufficient residence in daylight, "says nutrition consultant.
 It is in these months the sun is not too much, so a lot of people may experience a deficiency of vitamin D.further information about vitamin D click here oraganic diet plan

  It certainly is no coincidence that the mood of most people tend to peak in the summer and decrease in winter - and one of the reasons why people suffer from winter depression, it is that they simply ran out of summer supplies of vitamin D.
Where it once then? If it therefore in the summer months, then you are almost one hundred percent chance that one of you will be in the winter spoilsport who is often sick, he gets a cold now and it will appear as a "snowflake".

As far as nutrition, American population that is not very well - younger children receive an average of 66.6% of the recommended daily dose, older school children then only 55.1%, a tenth receives even less than 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D.Feel free to visit this page health product review 
Apparently there is a buried dog what growing number of children with depression and adults in terms of...? Research on adults, although no not performed, but by Blanca Tomahawk on it will be very similar to the parents as their children.
Vitamin D and skin
Did you know that man just ten to fifteen minutes in the sun at least three times a week without sunscreen to catch "spherical roller" stocks, which he then enough for the whole winter?

General Health review-Breast cancer

 In addition, protective against breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreas and lung and protects against stroke and heart attack. A allegedly helps you live longer.

Although experts do not know why that is, but studies on several thousand people older than 73 years have clearly demonstrated that those who had low levels of vitamin D had a 83% greater risk of death.
That would be a miracle cure for everything? feel free to click here health product review

Vitamin D and Nutrition
Everything is connected to everything - vitamin D plays a pivotal role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
 That the calcium you consume mainly in dairy products, properly utilized and body it really the most effective way prepared, then no "deck" it will not even accidentally.
This is confirmed by nutrition consultant Blanca Supernova. "High intake of these minerals without sufficient intake of vitamin D would be unnecessary because the mineralization of bones and teeth is provided, inter alias, the action of vitamin D."

"Deck" belongs to a group of fat soluble vitamins in the diet and it can be found as a natural component of fats of animal origin.For health tips visit oraganic diet plan
"The best sources are fish oils, liver, egg yolks, milk and defatted milk products" lists Blanca Supernova.
It follows that, for example vegetarians might have a big problem with vitamin D in the body and it must deliver a different way.
"The recommended daily dose in adults and children 10 pip 5 pip. Higher amounts then children need (due to growth) and breastfeeding women.

General Health review-Being tired and sick

You are tired and often sick? Try therapy "deck"
Want to be smiling, happy, and beautiful, have strong bones and perfect immunity? Then do not forget to have a sufficient supply of vitamin D, which is said to cure everything.

I do not like swallowing tablets - partly because I have a tablet linked to diseases, partly because with regular use have to watch that I actually took.
So I try, if possible, get into the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals naturally. further information visit
organic diet plan

Ask, Becky, Cake, calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid - all of which are located in a different kind of food.
To something like it, too bad and vitamins to the body to get a different way, perhaps in the form of dietary supplements

 And how's the "deck"? If you're wondering which nutrients you miss most about, then know that it will most likely vitamin D. However - a large part of the population, from small babies to the elderly, currently lacks this vitamin.
However, according to recent research, one of the most important vitamins, for functions that have (and there is actually a lot!). If you thought that the "deck" is only needed for it to regulate the amount of calcium in the body, then you are mistaken.
Research has now progressed and vitamin D is known already much more....feel free to visit my webpage health product review
Without him, is not only toothless, but you also have osteoporosis, poorly functioning immune system, and even a bad mood because vitamin D stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness).

Friday, 28 June 2013

General Health review- Eggs and bacon

It is difficult to climb up to someone under the perches, but mud and dung opulent buy eggs: porous shell is impermeable to infection from outside.
Even the bacon!
Eggs and bacon (Part classic English breakfast) you according to the latest statement obesity legists healthy and properly started! if you want more information visit my webpage health product review
Who would have said a few years ago ... Scientists explain their recommendations so that the rich and greasy food in the morning
YO metabolism for faster digestion of fat, so you have a better chance of not gaining weight.

Bacon is made from pork side loaded into the salt or salt brine, and then three to four days smoked meat cold smoke. So it should be doing, but mostly industrially produced bacon soaked in water and salt addition (the more water, the greater weight of the product).
Sometimes meat from different parts of the block, and you can not tell at first glance that this is not the bacon, fry until the slices are tearing canonry all shapes.
Preparing breakfast is simple, takes about ten minutes: the skillet you for one serving two slices of bacon, OPEC from both sides on a toasted slice egg. Eggs are healthy for life because it give energy. further information about eggs are given below in the text health product review
When albumen solidifies is done Salty to taste (bacon is quite salty).
Similarly, we can prepare poached eggs on ham: about eight to ten quilt ham toast on a piece of butter on sides, eggs and everything you can to give ten minutes to bake.

General Health review-About Eggs

Cholesterol and fats contained in the eggs are needed as well as the growth of children.

 In addition to high quality proteins and fats containing unsaturated fatty acids in the eggs are important vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, vitamin D and minerals important for the human body - calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Egg chorine supports our memory, and contained arytenoids prevent degeneration. aslo read this article nutrition fact calculator

Are the most digestible soft-boiled egg or scrambled (not to be dried and baked-on), are harder to digest fried eggs and difficult to stomach as hard-boiled eggs. Would be the most digestible raw eggs, eating them but expose infected with salmonella, so only

Cooked eggs
Store-bought or homemade - those eggs are better? you must read this nutrition fact calculator
Eggs from hens in battery cages have a paler yolk, because the hens are fed mixtures, unlike domestic Pipe never come to the sun, even on grass.

 Homemade chicken egg yolk are colored from plant and animal foods (the worm, earthworm there), you will find chickens for grain, or mixtures they receive Eggs from caged hens have had tests to detect food safety. Domestic eggs will roll the egg shell and yolk as the sun salami all possible doubts about possible infections.

 If you are buying eggs from Freeholder (if you have grandma s chicken coop in your backyard), then you will notice the conditions in which hens kept Whether they have clean water containers, grain bins, nesting sites and own chicken coop.

General Health review-Why eggs are healthy

Eggs are healthy (and bacon) or eggs as scarecrow

A few years ago the public to learn about the latest discovery scientists and doctors: eggs harmful to health, even as healthy.

Neither animal fat are not a bane for the healthy ... So here we have another example that we should not blindly believe everything what science involves us. for more information please visit my webpage organic diet plan

It started sometime in the seventies, when American scientists set out to research the causes of obesity and high blood pressure in the population.

 They found that the main cause of these changes is cholesterol, and from this finding was only a small step to condemn eggs as extremely unhealthy.

 Egg yolk contains cholesterol really, it is irrefutable fact. The amounts in one egg almost cover the daily needs of man, but you need to consider that only part of the digestive cholesterol passes into the bloodstream.eggs are healthy because health product review

 The rest is eliminated from the body.

Eggs also contain substances to prevent excessive absorption of cholesterol (peptides, lecithin).

  For us, the consumption of eggs about two hundred and fifty pieces per person per year - in fact, all eggs, including those that eat in bread and other foods.
Put your eggs whole family
I do not want to bring you the impression that you can feed them every day eggs. Do not exaggerate, it's all about to return their eggs in the kitchen, and reasonable manner in a reasonable amount of them indulge.